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Hey there. I hope you are staying safe and sane in this crazy world. It's a lot to stomach for anyone. I can't go crazy. I already am! Serious question? When do you tell your family that their joking around has become hurtful? It's to the point where I feel like I am in high school again, trying to compete for their love and attention. I am 45 yrs old and feel like I am treated like a child at times. I am told that I am too sensitive and that I take things out of context, that I should just take it, and know they are playing. Every night it's a roast the hell outta mom till she cries or locks herself in the bathroom so no one would see. it's not like anyone would care to be honest. I could cry for hours and no one would even flinch. When did I become invisible, and so small that it doesn't matter if I am even around? I am ignored when I am trying to be a mother, I am ignored when I try to let people know ho...